Customs clearance of cargo is required for imports and exports.
To facilitate cargo customs clearance here are the primary documents that you require to prepare an import declaration or an export declaration.
For exported cargo:
All for now,
Brad Skelton
To facilitate cargo customs clearance here are the primary documents that you require to prepare an import declaration or an export declaration.
For exported cargo:
- The vessel name, voyage number for sea freight cargo and the flight number and departure date for air freight cargo
- The Export Invoice for the goods
- Bill of Lading for sea freight cargo or an Airwaybill for air freight cargo. These are issued by the carrier document showing details of the cargo and the ship or aircraft that is transporting it.
- Suppliers Commercial Invoice to evidence the price paid for the goods and there value for import duty and GST calculation
- If your cargo is being imported from a country where a free trade agreement exists then a Certificate of Origin needs to be provided by your supplier so that duty free concessions can be claimed. If this document is not available or your goods originate from a country where no free trade agreement exists then import duty might be payable
- Marine Insurance Certificate if your cargo is insured
- Packing List
- For Quarantine Clearance of goods that might be used or of plant or animal origin to avoid treatment and inspections on arrival various treatment certificates and declarations. These include a Packing Declaration, Fumigation Certificate, Heat Treatment certificate or Biosecurity Import Permit
- If you are a commercial importer then we need your Business Number/Registration or if this shipment is a personal importation then photographic identification would be required
All for now,
Brad Skelton
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